baby scaninfo

Growth Scan During Pregnancy – Everything You Need To Know

What Is A Growth Scan During Pregnancy?

A growth scan is an ultrasound scan that determines whether your baby’s growth is normal. Doctors typically recommend it for women during the third trimester of pregnancy; one of the reasons it is also a fetal growth scan.
A growth scan in pregnancy is performed to provide your doctor with useful information about fetal growth and your pregnancy. It helps the doctor:
  • Check your baby’s overall growth
Judged on the size of the head, abdomen and thigh bone. Each of these measurements needs to be consistent with the content age.


  • Check the volume of your amniotic fluid
The function of the amniotic fluid is to support the growth of the baby. Ample amniotic fluid provides enough space for the baby to move limbs and twist. Body movements are important for the formation of baby bones and muscles.

  • Determine the final position of the placenta
The main function of placenta is to provide nutrition to the baby. In the womb, he is in the pouch with the baby. The placenta will go out of the womb spontaneously a few minutes the baby is born. Ultrasound is used to ensure that the position is not above the cervix (normal delivery path) 

  • Determine the fetal position
During the second trimester, the baby is very moving and constantly rotating, so the head position is not so important. However, after about 35 weeks, the baby's head position should be known by the doctor to determine the method of birth and so on.

  • Check baby’s weight close to your estimated delivery date
The baby's weight estimates are actually the result of the measurement chart (head, abdomen, and breastbone) of the baby's body plotted and translated into heavy charts.

  • Baby heartbeat
Baby's heart activity can be seen through 2D images. But usually the sonographer will use M-mode or Spectral Doppler to hear and calculate the baby's heartbeat.

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