
Baby Constipation: Causes, Signs and Treatments

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Baby constipation and hard to get rid of water is not something that is rarely found. This will cause most parents to complain to the doctor about this.

Baby Signs Constipation
Babies who are taking breast milk do not necessarily get tired every day. All the nutrients in breast milk are usually absorbed by the baby. Therefore, most babies who are breastfeeding often do not have constipation problems.

Babies who take formula milk will get rid of the water once or more than once a day. Therefore, the problem of unhealthy babies depends on the type of milk the baby takes. It also depends on the type of food taken by the baby or the child.

Some signs of constipation are:

1) Less defecation

The amount of bowel movement by babies is usually not fixed every day. If your child does not defecate for a few days then have a hard stool, your child may have a baby

2) Introducing

If your child is strangely when he / she wants to get rid of urine but only a little stool out, your child may be having constipation

3) Blood on stool

If you notice his stool has blood, it indicates that your child strikes strongly to remove the stool so as to injure his anus.

4) Inflamed abdomen

Stomach bloating and hard, maybe your kid has this problem.

5) Do not want to eat

Your child may quickly be full and do not want to eat or breastfeed because the stomach is full.

How to treat baby constipation (Baby Care)
If you notice your child has constipation, there are several ways that you can do it to solve the problem. The ways are:

1) Change milk

If your child is breastfeeding, you can wait a few days to see if the baby can go back to the water. But if not, the mother needs to bring the baby to the clinic for examination. If the baby starts eating, you can try changing the diet in it.

Breastfeeding babies may be able to change their type of milk.

2) Increase fiber intake

Children who have already taken food can increase the use of fiber to make it softer and easier to remove. Some high fiber foods are:

  • Broccoli
  • Other vegetables
  • Pear
  • Prunes
  • Apple

3) Give food in the form of Castle

If the baby's age is over 6 months old and begin to take soft food, the pure purification of the puriest food is a suitable vegetable for the baby who has this problem.

4) Give more water

Sufficient water will cause food in the intestine to move normally. Water and milk are a type of fluid that is suitable to keep your child hydrated

If the Treatment is ineffective
Changing your child's diet often helps to overcome this problem. But if it still experiences the same thing, you are advised to see a health doctor.

Some types of medicines that your doctor may give you are:

1) Old medicine of large water

The medicine used is Lactulose. Patients need to take this medicine and work to soften the stool

2) Crappy medicine into the anus

This type of medication is rarely given to infants especially. It is more suitable for children aged 2 years and above.

Before you use the above medications, it is advisable to consult a doctor first to ensure that your child does not have any other illness and that proper care can be given to your child.

When to see a doctor?
If your child has difficulty getting rid of urine and some of these symptoms, you are advised to continue taking your baby to see the doctor. The symptoms are:

  • The baby vomited frequently
  • His stomach grows more than usual
  • The baby continued to cry
  • The baby looked tired and flabby
  • Do not want to breastfeed or eat

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