Pregnancy in your 20s
Also known as your “most fertile years,” during your 20s you have a 20 percent chance of conceiving each month if you’re not on any form of birth control, according to research.
The risk of hypertension and gestational diabetes is low. Doctors recommend exercise and a healthy diet for an easier delivery and in order to recover quickly postpartum. As for long term health benefits, studies have found that women who started giving birth in their 20s are less prone to developing breast or ovarian cancer later on in life.
Though having a baby in your 20s poses less of a risk that you’ll have a child born with a birth or genetic defect, it’s important to note that more kids with genetic disorders are born to women in their 20s. This is because fewer screening tests are done on younger women as opposed to those over 35.
Women in their 20s only have a 9.5 percent chance of miscarriage, the lowest compared to any age group.
Women in their 20s only have a 9.5 percent chance of miscarriage, the lowest compared to any age group.
Pregnancy in your 30s
After age 35, fertility continues to gradually decline, making it more difficult to conceive.
According to Women’s Health, the risk of miscarriage as well as the incidence of birth defects are higher. Conditions like hypertension and gestational diabetes also tend to occur more often. But there’s no need to be disheartened. Instead, take it as a motivation to be more vigilant in monitoring your health with the help of your gynaecologist.
It’s interesting to note that the chances of you conceiving twins and triplets increases in your 30s, according to the CDC. Multiple pregnancies also carry with it an increased chance of having low-birth weight or premature babies.
Prolonged and difficult labour is more likely when you are in your 30s. Often, thirty-something mums end up having C-sections due to bleeding or other issues. Labor and delivery complications, such as placenta previa, are more common in mums over 30s. The good news? A recent study found that women who give birth over 33 tend to live longer.
Pregnancy in your 40s
It no longer needs to be said that delivering in your 40s poses the most risks, but let’s still take a closer look. It’s been found that around 1/3 of pregnant women aged 40 to 44 end up having miscarriages. Low-lying placenta and low-birth weight babies are also more common in forty-something mums.
For women over 45, American researchers found that more than half end in miscarriage. Babies born to mums in their 40s face a 1 in 66 chance of being born with a chromosomal defect, such as Down Syndrome. In order to combat this, you must consistently consult with your doctor throughout your pregnancy and undergo comprehensive tests and screening to ensure a healthy and safe delivery.
There’s still good news, though. According to a recent study shows, women over 40 who deliver without assistive drugs tend to live longer, which researchers suspect may be due to the wealth of oestrogen produced by the body. Oestrogen strengthens the heart, bones, and other organs.
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