
Urogenital Tract Abnormalities

  1. Bladder Exstrophy 
  • Presence of an intra-abdominal mass and inability to visualise a bladder
  • Low umbilical cord insertion into abdomen
  • Amniotic fluid volume and kidneys are normal
  • Low umbilical cord insertion into abdomen
  • Widening of pubic bones
  • Small penis in males.
Clue/Reasons behind bladder exstrophy: 
Failure in urine production caused by: 
  1. Bilateral renal agenesis 
  2. Bilateral multicystic dysplastic kidneys 
  3. Bilateral severe UPJ obstruction 
  4. Severe IUGR 

2. Bilateral Renal Agenesis
  • Severe oligohydramnios
  • Absent kidneys
  • Lying down adrenal signs 
  • Absent renal arteries on colour doppler
  • Non-visualisation of bladder over an hour

3. Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia 
  • Both kidneys on the same side.

4. Multicystic Dysplatic Kidney 
  • Kidney replaced with multiple cysts of varying sizes 
  • Between cysts are dense stroma (usually not normal renal parenchyma) 
  • Non-functional 
  • Enlarged 
  • Distorted reniform contour 
  • Renal artery is absent or small 
  • Can mimic hydronephrosis 

5. Autosommal Recessive polycystic kidneys
  • Increased echogenicity
  • Bilateral enlargement of kidneys
  • Poor delineation of intrarenal structures
  • Numerous tiny cysts are smaller than limit of u/s resolution à but creates multiple acoustic interfaces, accounting for the characteristic of increased renal echogenicity and loss of corticomedullary differentiation

6. Ureteopelvic Junction Obstruction
  • Dilated renal pelvis
  • Ureter and bladder not dilated
  • Thinning of renal cortex
  • AFV usually normal

7. Vesicoureteral Junction Obstruction
  • Two separate non-communicating renal pelves
  • Hydronephrosis in upper or lower pole
  • Ipsilateral dilated ureter
  • Ureterocele

8. Ureterocele
  • Thin-walled cyst-like structure in bladder
  • Overlooked if bladder is empty
  • Full bladder can compress ureterocele

9. Lower Urinary Tract (urethral) obstruction
  • Dilated UB with dilated proximal urethra (keyhole sign)
  • Thickening of UB wall (>2mm) or severely distended UB wall
  • Bilateral tortuous hydroureters Hydronephrosis

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